Other Radio Programs
1926 1928 1932 1934 1939 1946 1947

Top Radio Shows in 1939*
(*C. E. Hooper Ratings Service)

1. Chase & Sanborn Hour. (Edgar Bergen, Nelson Eddy)
2. Jell-O Program (Jack Benny)
3. Lux Radio Theatre (Hollywood dramatizations)
4. Kraft Music Hall (Bing Crosby, variety)
5. Good News Of 1939 (Hollywood variety)
6. Major Bowes Amateur Hour (variety)
7. Big Town (E. G. Robinson, crime drama)
8. Chesterfield Program (Burns & Allen)
9. Town Hall Tonight (Fred Allen)
10. College Of Musical Knowledge (Kay Kysers Orch.)
(*The Hooper Ratings Service rated radio program popularity from 1936 through 1949)

A Typical Thursday Evening on the Radio in 1939

5:00 C By Kathleen Norris (Drama)
5:00 M Meet Miss Julia (Drama)
5:00 R Girl Alone (Drama)
5:15 B Stories for Children (Children)
5:15 C Billy & Betty (Drama)
5:15 M Johnson Family (Drama)
5:15 R Midstream (Drama)
5:30 B Bud Barton (Drama)
5:30 C It Happened in Hollywood (Gossip)
5:30 R Jack Armstrong (Drama)
5:45 B Tom Mix (Drama)
5:45 C Scattergood Baines (Drama)
5:45 R Little Orphan Annie (Drama)
6:00 C Edwin C. Hill (News/Commentary)
6:15 C Mel Allen (Sports)
6:15 R Jack Miley (Sports)
6:30 C Albert Warner, Geo. Eliot (News/Commentary)
6:30 M Rollini Trio (Music)
6:30 R June Hynd's Guest Book (Talk)
6:45 B Lowell Thomas (News/Commentary)
6:45 C CBS European News
6:45 R Li'l ABner (Comedy)
7:00 M Stan Lomax (Sports)
7:00 R Fred Waring Orchestra
7:15 C Amos & Andy (Comedy)
7:15 M John B. Kennedy (News/Commentary)
7:15 R I Love A Mystery (Drama)
7:30 B One of the Finest (Drama)
7:30 C Vox Pop (Interviews)
7:30 M Dr. Frank Kingdom, Unsung Americans (Talk)
7:30 R Felix Night; Tenor (Music)
8:00 B Green Hornet (Drama)
8:00 C Ask-It-Basket (Quiz Program)
8:00 M Kay Kyser (Music)
8:00 R For Men Only, George Jessel (Variety)
8:30 B Joe Penner Program (Comedy)
8:30 C Strange as it Seems (Variety)
8:30 R THose We Love (Drama)
9:00 B Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra
9:00 C Major Bowes Amateur Hour
9:00 M Arther Hale (News/Commentary)
9:00 R Baby Snooks (Comedy)
9:15 M Mutual Overseas War Report
9:30 B America's Town Meeting (Talk)
9:30 M Spy Stories (Drama)
10:00 B Roy Shields Revue (Music)
10:00 C GLenn Miller Orchestra
10:00 M Raymond Graham Swing (News)
10:00 R Bing Crosby (Variety)
B= NBC Blue, C= CBS, M= Mutual, R= NBC Red

These listing are presented only to give a 'flavor' of what people may have been listening to on the radios depicted on the page.
I did not do exhaustive research and used only 1 source: "A Thirty-Year History of Radio Programs" by Harrison B. Summers
Note that Summers book lists only network, not local, programs