The World
Adolf Hitler publishes Volume I of Mein Kampf.
The US
President: Calvin Coolidge
Vice President: Charles G. Dawes
Population: 115,829,000
Federal spending: $2.92 billion
Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.02
- Tennessee schoolteacher John T Scopes is arrested for teaching the theory of evolution.
- Radio's The Smith Family introduces the soap opera format.
- Sergei Eisenstein makes Potemkin, a revolutionary portrait of mutiny aboard a
- Ben-Hur, costing a record-setting $3.95 million to produce, is released.
- Vitamin A deficiency is shown to cause night blindness.
- John Baird transmits the first television image in London.
World Series: Pittsburgh d. Washington (4-3)
Nobel Prize Physics: James Franck and Gustav Hertz (Germany), for
discovery of laws governing impact of electrons upon atoms
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